
phat as a cow

Today on twitter watch, I learned that Oprah's KFC giveaway is not valid in some areas and that Drew Peterson was finally arrested for his third wife's murder.
Cool twits!
As far as twitter is concerned, the verdict is still out. I'll make my final decision after this semester's finals.

While doing a little twittersearch, I found a perfect segway to my next topic. Several twitterers' tweets featured links to Gossip Rex's Dumb B**** of the Day! post. I bet you can guess the topic.
It's websites like these (and a big assignment) that inspired the creation of this video. Sadly, cyberbullying is a real and present factor in many kids' (and adults') lives.

The video was made using the newest version of iMovie. You probably noticed that I ran into some difficulties, but overall the project was a lot of fun. Thanks to my acting troop. You guys are the phattest!


bethany said...

Holy! This was so good. The video was really really really well done, and I thought you had lots of info on it. Hope you got an A!

PS I love you Jenna :)

Sarah said...

Beautiful and touching. A+++. Really, it was very well done!!!

Anonymous said...

It's Jenna. I liked it!! I loved the way you put it together. And your background music was so so so good! You were right about that!!!